SPHERE: a Sensor Platform for HEalthcare in a Residential Environment is an interdisciplinary research initiative in the United Kingdom which is funded by EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council). The goal of the project is to develop a sensor infrastructure and the corresponding algorithms for behaviour recognition and monitoring in home settings. The application of the platform is the detection of potential health and well being problems.
In the scope of cooperation between SPHERE and the CoMSA²t Group, we investigate the recognition of daily activities based on symbolic behaviour models. The cooperation started in March 2016. The goal of the cooperation is to investigate the modelling and sensor-based inference of complex behaviour patterns and the potential causes for problematic behaviour.
Within the context of this cooperation, Kristina Yordanova is honorary research associate at the University of Bristol where she works together with researchers from SPHERE.
Short Facts
- Project title: SPHERE: a Sensor Platform for HEalthcare in a Residential Environment
- Sub-project at CoMSA²t: Title: Recognising the daily activities of people in home settings
- Project homepage: http://www.irc-sphere.ac.uk/
- Runtime: Oct. 2013 – (our subproject: Mar. 2016 -)
- Sponsor: EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
- Budget: £12 million (our sub-project: about 20 000 euro for the period Mar. 2016 – Sep. 2016)
Project-related publications
- Kristina Yordanova, Stefan Lüdtke, Samuel Whitehouse, Frank Krüger, Adeline Paiement, Majid Mirmehdi, Ian Craddock, Thomas Kirste. Analysing Cooking Behaviour in Home Settings: Towards Health Monitoring. In Sensors, 2019 [full text]
- Emma L. Tonkin, Alison Burrows, Przemysław R. Woznowski, Pawel Laskowski, Kristina Y. Yordanova, Niall Twomey, Ian J Craddock. Talk, Text, Tag? Understanding Self-Annotation of Smart Home Data from a User’s Perspective. In Sensors, 2018 [full text]
- Samuel Whitehouse, Kristina Yordanova, Stefan Lüdtke, Adeline Paiement, Majid Mirmehdi. Evaluation of cupboard door sensors for improving activity recognition in the kitchen. In Workshops Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom Workshops), Athens, Greece, 2018. [full text]
- Przemyslaw Woznowski, Emma Tonkin, Pawel Laskowski, Niall Twomey, Kristina Yordanova, Alison Burrow. Talk, text or tag? The development of a self-annotation app for activity recognition in smart environments. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Annotation of useR Data for UbiquitOUs Systems (ARDUOUS), PerCom 2017, Hawaii, USA, 2017 [full text]
- Kristina Yordanova, Samuel Whitehouse, Adeline Paiement, Majid Mirmehdi, Thomas Kirste, Ian Craddock. What’s cooking and Why? Behaviour Recognition during Unscripted Cooking Tasks for Health Monitoring. In Companion Proceedings of PerCom 2017 (Work in Progress Session), Hawaii, USA, 2017. Best Work in Progress Paper Award [full text]
- Samuel Whitehouse, Kristina Yordanova, Adeline Paiement, Majid Mirmehdi. Recognition of Unscripted Kitchen Activities and Eating Behaviour for Health Monitoring. In Proceedings of the 2nd IET International Conference on Technologies for Active and Assisted Living (TechAAL 2016), London, UK, 2016 [full text]
- Sam Whitehouse, Kristina Yordanova, Adeline Paiement, Thomas Kirste, Majid Mirmehdi. SPHERE Unscripted kitchen activities. University of Bristol, 2016