Dr. Emma Tonkin from the University of Bristol is currently doing a three months research visit at the University of Rostock. Emma received a Mare Balticum Fellowship to work on a book proposal together with Kristina Yordanova on the topic of Privacy-aware Data Annotation Approaches in Healthcare. During her stay she is giving a lecture series in Data Collection and Annotation for Healthcare Systems. Emma is a renewed researcher and an expert in Digital Humanities and Data Science for Digital Health. She is part of the SPHERE project (Sensor Platform for HealthcarE in a Residential Environment) where she works on topics such as data management, data analysis, data reproducibility and data ethics.
Lecture Series Privacy-aware Data Annotation Approaches in Healthcare
- 14.06.2022, 13 Uhr, KZH Room 001, Lecture: SPHERE – Sensor Platform for HealthcarE in a Residential Environment: The Vision and The Lessons Learned
- 23.06.2022, 13 Uhr, KZH Room 001, Lecture: Data annotation for machine learning in a clinical research context [recording]
- 07.07.2022, 13 Uhr, KZH Room 001, Lecture: From data ethics to data protection: privacy-aware planning
- 14.07.2022, 13 Uhr, KZH Room 001, Lecture: Data management at scale: deployment, storage, retention and reuse
- 28.07.2022, 13 Uhr, KZH Room 001, Workshop: Developing a protocol for data annotation