On August 23, 2022 Kristina Yordanova received her appointment as a full professor for Data Science at the University of Greifswald. In September 2022 our junior research group is moving to the University of Greifswald and we are looking forward to building the new Institute for Data Science! In Greifswald […]
Dr. Emma Tonkin from the University of Bristol is currently doing a three months research visit at the University of Rostock. Emma received a Mare Balticum Fellowship to work on a book proposal together with Kristina Yordanova on the topic of Privacy-aware Data Annotation Approaches in Healthcare. During her stay […]
On November 30, Kristina Yordanova will present the Text2HBM project at a research seminar at the University of Mannheim. Text2HBM deals with the automatic generation of planning domain descriptions from textual sources and the model optimisation based on sensor observations. For more details on Text2HBM visit https://text2hbm.org/.
On October 5 from 3pm Kristina Yordanova will participate in an online event organised by the Center for Artificial Intelligence at Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The guests of the event will discuss the potential and limitations of using AI approaches to improve E-Learning. In this context, Kristina will present our Project DigiCare, in […]
Our group will participate in this year’s KI2021 virtual conference. Sumaiya Suravee will present herwork Methods for Automated Learning of Semantic Structures from Textual Data on 27.09 at 11.05 o’clock ( https://ki2021.uni-luebeck.de/dc.html for more information). Our second participation will be the poster presentation BehavE: Behaviour Understanding through Automated Generation of […]
Last week Kristina Yordanova talked about the research at our group at the Robotics + Care Mashup. Hosted by the the Open Ambient Assisted Living (OpenAAL) project, part of the National Robotarium at Heriot-Watt University, the Robotics + Care Mashup brought together academics, care providers and technologists to develop solutions […]
We are participating in the 17th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring System in June 2021, where our group member Moh’d Abuazizeh will present his work titled “Affect-aware Conversational Agent for Intelligent Tutoring of Students in Nursing Subjects”. https://its2021.iis-international.org/main-conference-day-4/
We are happy to announce that our colleague Mr. Nikolaj Troels Graf von Malotky successfully defended his PhD thesis with the topic “Generische ITS-Softwarearchitektur und ITS-Prozess ” (software architecture, software framework, prototype and process of an AI powered teaching software, a full specification of an intelligent tutoring system). Congratulations!
We are happy to announce that the 5th International Workshop on Annotation of User Data for Ubiquitous Systems (ARDUOUS ) will once again be affiliated to the International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom). Next year PerCom will take place in Kassel, Germany. For more information on PerCom see […]
After successfully defending her master thesis entitled “Comparative study of the performance of various optimizers for Named Entity Recognition system” Sumaiya joined our group as a scientific researcher. She is working in the project eDEM-Connect where she investigates automated methods for knowledge extraction and learning of semantic structures from texts.